The Five H’s at Sublime Stables; Horses, Humans, Health, Healing & Happiness. Sublime Stables is a place where inclusion and acceptance are key values. It doesn’t matter what your riding abilities are, what your tack or apparel looks like, we are all worthy here.
We offer 4 core programs as well as competition programs as you continue your advancement. These include; 1st time riders, beginners program, novice and intermediate. More details can be found below.

This will be with a maximum of 2 riders. Until they upgrade to the Beginner program.
In this class riders will be learning basic grooming and tacking up skills. They will also be learning balance, steering, and basic commands on the horse. Riders will start with assisted riding in hand either on the lead line or the lunge line. Once riders can understand the grooming and tack up procedures as well as be able to walk and trot independently, they will graduate to The Beginner Lesson Program.
Once riders can understand the grooming and tack up procedures as well as be able to walk and trot independently, they will graduate to The Beginner Lesson Program.
Equipment required will be boots with a heel, fitted pants, and a certified riding helmet. Riding gloves are recommended but not required.
Equipment required will be boots with a heel, fitted pants, and a certified riding helmet. Riding gloves are recommended but not required.
In the Beginner Lesson program open to both Western and English riders. Riders in this group will have an understanding of basic grooming and tacking up skills and will be able to groom and tack up with supervision.
Riders in this group will have an understanding of basic grooming and tacking up skills and will be able to groom and tack up with supervision. They will be able to walk and trot independently and will be working on their cantering/loping skills. In this group we will be working on improving steering, balance, and confidence by using fun games and activities during the lessons. Our goal will be to have the riders complete a small course of “jumps” (poles on the ground) as well as some Gymkhana exercises in the trot and canter independently and safely, they will also be able to groom and tack up their horse independently, once they can complete those steps, they will be ready to move up to our Novice Lesson Program.
Our goal will be to have the riders complete a small course of “jumps” (poles on the ground) as well as some Gymkhana exercises in the trot and canter independently and safely, they will also be able to groom and tack up their horse independently, once they can complete those steps, they will be ready to move up to our Novice Lesson Program.
Equipment required will be boots with a heel, fitted pants, and a certified riding helmet. Riding gloves are recommended but not required.
Equipment required will be boots with a heel, fitted pants, and a certified riding helmet. Riding gloves are recommended but not required.
The Novice Riding Program is open to both English and Western Riders. Riders in this group will be able to walk, trot, and canter/lope independently.
The Novice Riding Program is open to both English and Western Riders. Riders in this group will be able to walk, trot, and canter/lope independently.
They will also be able to go over a course of “Jumps” (poles on the ground) and Gymkhana Exercises. They will be able to groom and tack up their horse on their own. In this group we will be working on refining skills and improving the rider’s equitation skills. They will also be working on their flat work to improve equitation, this includes improving their seat and leg strength, so that they are able to balance better while in the saddle. We will also be working on more advanced exercises to improve their control and steering. This group will be jumping a maximum of 2’3 or doing more advanced Gymkhana exercises.
Once riders in this group can jump a 2’3 course independently, confidently, and safely they will be ready to move into our Intermediate riding group. For our Western riders at this point they will determine what direction they would like to go and we will get you in touch with the appropriate trainer to further your skills.
Equipment required will be boots with a heel, fitted pants, and a certified riding helmet. Riding gloves are recommended but not required.
Equipment required will be boots with a heel, fitted pants, and a certified riding helmet. Riding gloves are recommended but not required.
This is if you own your own horse or are leasing a horse. Haul ins are welcome for these classes. Riders in this group will be able to independently jump courses up to 2”3.
This group will be working on their riding skills while also working on their horsemanship skills. Along with riding and improving their jumping and flat work they will also be required to learn how to bandage, use boots, and deal with general equine first aid. They will also start to learn about their horses nutrition and what is required to ensure their horses stay happy and healthy. Riders at this level can start their Green Certificates .The goal for our intermediate riders will be that they are able to jump a course of 2”6 – 2”9 fences safely and confidently. They will also be able to bandage and treat minor first aid issues for their horses and have a good understanding of basic horse nutrition.
Once they can complete these tasks, they will be ready to move up to our competitive program if the rider wishes to show, to be a part of the competitive program you are required to own or lease a horse. If the rider wishes to keep riding but doesn’t want to show they are welcome to stay in our Lesson Horse Program.
Equipment required will be boots with a heel, fitted pants, and a certified riding helmet. Riding gloves are recommended but not required.
Equipment required will be boots with a heel, fitted pants, and a certified riding helmet. Riding gloves are recommended but not required.
This is per lesson on school owned horses.
Inquire for details! christina@sublimestables.com
• Lesson Horses
• All grooming supplies
• Tack/equipment for lesson horses
This is per lesson on privately owned horses.
4 lessons $171.00
8 lessons $324.00
12 lessons $459.00
* Private lessons can be arranged, and fees will be discussed based on instructors.
All lessons must be cancelled with in 24 hours of the lesson refunds will not be given. If a lesson is cancelled within 24hrs a makeup lesson may be provided based on availability of horses and instructors. Lessons cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will not be refunded and no make up lesson will be provided. ALL LESSON PACKAGES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
We are proud to offer a lesson program that is safe, fun and informative for riders of all skill levels. Sublime can offer riding lessons to riders 5 years old and up. We offer lesson packages from 1st time horse enthusiasts to advanced competitive riders. Our lesson packages very depending on your skill level and goals. Our basic Lessons program is designed for riders who are just getting started or for riders who just want to ride for the fun of it, while improving their riding skills.
We also have access to a competitive lesson program for riders who wish to show locally in the hunter, jumpers, and Equitation rings. Sublime also has a great lease program if you are interested in half leasing or full leasing a horse. We have horses that are suited for most riding abilities as well as pleasure horses for lease. We even have gaited horses available for anyone looking to ride with back issues as they are very comfortable to ride. The trainers at Sublime can help you find your next equine partner or help you sell your current equine partner depending on your situation. Our trainers also offer training packages if your horse needs a refresher. For training and sales please contact for pricing.